Nematodes, friends and enemies of crops
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caffe farming
scientific research

How to Cite

Lima Rivera, D. L., López-Lima, D., & Villain, L. (2024). Nematodes, friends and enemies of crops. Pregones De Ciencia, 1(3), 40–49.


Nematodes, microscopic organisms essential to ecosystems, represent one of the most extensive groups in the Animal kingdom, with a biodiversity exceeding 25,000 known species and an estimated total of over half a million. They perform various functions in nature, from decomposing organic matter to feeding other living beings. However, some are parasites that cause significant economic damage to agriculture, with estimated losses of 80 trillion US dollars annually. The use of agrochemicals for their control poses risks of pollution and toxicity. In Veracruz, the nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis negatively impacts coffee production, a problem that still requires further research to develop effective management strategies. The Universidad Veracruzana is conducting research to address this challenge.
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