Howler monkeys and their way of communicating
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howler monkeys
Alouatta palliata

How to Cite

Montes Mendoza, E. (2023). Howler monkeys and their way of communicating. Pregones De Ciencia, 1(1), 74–83.


In this text, we introduce the howler monkeys, a primate species that stands out for its powerful voice, which can be heard several kilometers away. These animals have a specialized hyoid bone that allows them to amplify their sounds. Besides, they are arboreal and feed mainly on leaves, flowers and fruits. Howler monkeys are social and form troops of several individuals, which can cooperate or compete with other troops depending on the environmental conditions. For instance, they defend their territory and their food with their vocalizations. Thus, they express their emotions and needs. Howler monkeys have different types of vocalizations, such as howls, grunts, barks and whines, which serve different functions, such as alerting, threatening, coordinating or affiliating.
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