The milpa with picapica mansa in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve.
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How to Cite

Ortiz-Ceballos, A. (2024). The milpa with picapica mansa in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve. Pregones De Ciencia, 1(3), 74–87.


The text addresses the importance of the milpa, a traditional Mexican agricultural system for the production of corn and other foods. The milpa is essential for food self-sufficiency and the conservation of native varieties of corn, facing challenges such as low soil fertility and yield in the Los Tuxtlas region. The research highlights the use of the legume picapica mansa as green manure to improve corn production, in contrast to harmful practices such as burning and excessive use of chemicals. Studies show that picapica mansa, used during fallow, increases corn yield and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. The work emphasizes the need to return to ancestral techniques and local knowledge to ensure food security and preserve soil biodiversity.
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