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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Verify the evaluation instrument that is located on the site:

Author Guidelines

References and Bibliography: Authors must use the format from the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition. If unquoted information is detected in more than 30% of the writing, it will be rejected and will not proceed to review. If detected in less than 30%, the author will have an opportunity to correct it. If unquoted content similarity is detected in the document after the opportunity to correct, the writing will be definitively and irrevocably rejected. Please consult our anti-plagiarism policies and academic integrity.

Featured Information Proposal: The author may include (in Category) relevant information of no more than 40 words that can be illustrated.

Image Proposal: Up to three theme-related images in PNG format may be included, which will be added to the annexes of the submission form. Each must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a maximum of 600 dpi. For each image, a caption or image footnote must be provided in the designated space. It will be 15 words or less that describe or provide information about the image, and at the end include photography or design credit. Images must have open licensing in any of its different modalities.

Number of Submissions per Author for Essay: Only one essay per author will be published with a separation of two annual cycles of the magazine. Annual cycles are understood as the period between January and December of each year. If you want to send more, you can do so, but in case of having several works accepted, they will be scheduled consecutively for the first available space after a year has passed since the publication of the previous work (in the case of a story or article) and two in the case of an essay. Available space is understood as the number and publication date assigned by the magazine.

Number of Submissions per Author for Story: Only one writing per author will be published per year. If you want to send more, you can do so, but in case of having several works accepted, they will be scheduled consecutively for the first available space after an annual cycle has passed since the publication of the previous work.

Number of Submissions per Author for Article: only one work per author will be published with a separation of two annual cycles of the magazine per category. One work published in each issue of the magazine in different categories (up to four per year if repeating category). If you wish to send more, you can do so, but in case of having several works accepted, they will be scheduled consecutively for the first available space after a year has passed since the publication of the previous work.

Costs: Pregones de Ciencia magazine does not charge. All processes from the receipt of the writing to its publication and distribution are completely free of cost for the authors. Reading is open access, at no cost to readers.

Our Response Times: Our goal is to respond to all submissions within a week, although this can sometimes be exceeded up to two weeks during busy periods or holidays. We recommend that if you are waiting to hear from Pregones de Ciencia and a week has passed, keep an eye on your spam folder, as our responses could end up there. If you have not heard from us after two weeks, please send us a new email or better contact us during office hours at 2288421700 ext. 13114. To know the publication dates and other moments of the process, consult the Schedule.


Política de sección por defecto


The article must be written in a language of dissemination that is enjoyable and easy to read for people who are not specialized in the topic. The dissemination article aims to convey scientific knowledge in an interesting, faithful and clear way, without losing scientific rigor. It also seeks to form a scientific image and make complex topics and ideas accessible to a wide audience.

The objective is to bring readers closer to science in a fun way and arouse their curiosity to learn more about the topics presented. Likewise, it is intended to make them aware of and participate in the results of scientific research. It is expected that the articles received will foster critical thinking and contribute to the acquisition of a scientific culture among readers. Important: It is required that when writing, aspects of different disciplines are integrated.

Articles that focus on a single discipline, such as physics, biology, mathematics, etc., will not be accepted. Preference will be given to those who can relate the chosen topic to everyday life, literature or other disciplines.


Include information with scientific rigor in your content. This means that the information must be based on reliable, verifiable and updated sources, and that it must be related to the topic and purpose of the story.

Have an open theme, as long as it respects the narrative structure of the story. The story must have a beginning, a development and an ending, as well as defined characters, conflict and environment.

Include a warning of your content if it includes sensitive information. Sensitive information is understood as that which can affect emotionally or psychologically some readers, such as scenes of violence, abuse, discrimination, suicide, etc.

Be creative, original and interesting. The main idea, the use of language, the scientific content, the arc, the plot and the structure of the story will be taken into account.

Excerpts from novels or poetry will not be considered. Poetry will go in a separate section. In case of having proposals of different content you should write to the magazine to share the proposal with the committees and deliberate their approval. In case of being approved the writing will determine a space for your work if the committee determined it appropriate.


The essay must be written in a narrative style, that is, it must tell a story related to the chosen topic. The style must be clear, correct, formal and enjoyable, appropriate for the topic and the target audience. Since the essay is a research work, it must strive to maintain rigorous information told in the most enjoyable way possible. The maximum length is 4000 words.


The art section of the magazine Pregones de Ciencia aims to disseminate and promote the scientific and rigorous research linked to the production of art in universities around the world, with special attention to those in Latin America.

Original and unpublished articles that deal with topics related to contemporary art, visual studies, gender studies, identity-based cultural policies and the science of artistic creativity are accepted.

The art section of the magazine Pregones de Ciencia seeks to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and critical reflection among researchers, artists, critics and readers interested in art and science.

This section follows the style and citation rules of the APA (Seventh edition) and uses the double-blind peer review system, guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

The art section adheres to the open access policy, enabling the consultation, download and use of the contents for free and without restrictions, as long as the authorship and the original source are recognized. Please bear this in mind when submitting photographs, illustrations and other unpublished work.

The art section of the magazine Pregones de Ciencia respects the copyright and intellectual property of the authors and the sources cited, and requires the authors to declare the originality and authorship of their work, as well as the absence of conflicts of interest.

Student Article

Eligibility: Authors must be active undergraduate or graduate students at the time of article submission and provide their enrollment number from the corresponding institution.

Originality: All articles must be original works that have not been published or are under consideration in another journal.

Academic Relevance: Articles should contribute to scientific, cultural, or social knowledge and align with the mission of the journal.

Content Quality: A high standard of writing, research, and critical analysis is required. Students must maintain contact with the editorial team of Pregones de Ciencia for possible corrections before peer review.

Format and Style: The article structure should include: abstract in Spanish and English, introduction, objectives and methodology, discussion of results, conclusion, and call to action. Although the sections should not carry those specific subtitles, the content must correspond to what each section requires. The citation and reference style must follow APA seventh edition format. The editorial team will assist students in adjusting the style, but sources must be clearly indicated in the text.

Review Process: The section has a peer-review process, where each article is evaluated by experts in the subject from an institution different from the student’s.

Publication Ethics: Students must be aware of and respect the policy of academic integrity and against plagiarism.

Diversity and Inclusion: Writings should promote diversity of perspectives and inclusion of voices from different disciplines and cultural contexts, avoiding the use of exclusive language.

Copyright: Each author must be informed about the copyright policy and grant the necessary permissions for publication.

Promotion and DisseminationPregones de Ciencia implements strategies to promote published articles and their dissemination within the academic community and beyond. It is recommended to consult them.


Section Objective: The Academic Announcements section of Pregones de Ciencia aims to provide our readers with information about relevant academic opportunities, including graduate programs, conferences, symposiums, and other educational activities that enrich their professional and personal development.

Publication Criteria:

Academic Focus: Only announcements related to academic opportunities will be accepted. This includes, but is not limited to, calls for graduate programs, scholarships, conferences, seminars, symposiums, courses, and workshops.

Prohibition of Sales: The publication of announcements promoting the sale of items, commercial services, or any content not directly related to academic opportunities is not allowed.

Clarity and Conciseness: Announcements must be clear, concise, and provide essential information such as dates, deadlines, requirements, and links for more information.

Responsibility: Advertisers are responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided. Pregones de Ciencia is not responsible for errors or changes in the information of the announcements.

Non-Discrimination: Announcements must be free of any form of discrimination and open to all readers who meet the specified requirements.

Language: Announcements must be written in Spanish, and an English version is recommended to reach a wider audience.

Presentation: Announcements must follow a standardized format provided by the magazine to maintain visual uniformity and facilitate reading. Preferably with a promotional image, with a QR code that directs to the extended information.

Approval: All announcements will be subject to review and approval by the editorial team before publication.

Update: Advertisers must inform the magazine of any significant changes in the information of the announcement to ensure that readers receive updated data.

Submission Process: Those interested in publishing announcements must send their request to the editorial team of Pregones de Ciencia, attaching the text of the announcement and complying with the mentioned publication criteria. These announcements are completely free of charge.


Objective: The interview section aims to provide an inclusive and diverse platform where enriching dialogues on science, art, and humanities are presented, with a focus on multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches.

Selection of Interviewees: Priority will be given to individuals whose contributions to knowledge and society stand out for their innovative nature and ability to transcend disciplinary boundaries.

Inclusive Language: All interviews will strive to use inclusive and non-sexist language, ensuring that communication reflects the diversity and richness of our academic and scientific community.

Integrity and Respect: Respect for the interviewees will be maintained, presenting their ideas and opinions with integrity, without alterations that could decontextualize or change the original message.

Diversity of Topics: An exploration of a wide range of topics will be encouraged, always seeking relevance and impact on the scientific community and society at large.

Audience Interaction: Active audience participation will be promoted, inviting reflection and dialogue through questions and comments that enrich the conversation.

Continuous Update: The section commits to staying current with trends and advancements in the represented fields of study, reflecting the constant dynamism and evolution of knowledge.

Journalistic Ethics: The highest standards of journalistic ethics will be followed, ensuring the truthfulness and depth in the treatment of information.

Format: Only transcribed interviews accompanied by a clear and distinct recording of the interviewees will be accepted. Written authorization from all participating individuals is required. Clear, sharp, and focused photographs will be provided at a rate of one different photograph for each minute of the interview. High quality, preferably in Raw or PNG format with 300 dpi. Interviewees cannot be exclusively affiliated with the Universidad Veracruzana. Interviews that do not meet these requirements will not be processed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.